
We have some very very happy moments together. I like them. I'm sure you enjoyed them too. I'm waiting your hug, man.


You're Part Diva

You know that a girl's gotta work it to get her way in the world.

And while you aren't about to throw a tantrum at every turn...

You do amp up the drama when you know you need it.

You mix charm, honesty, and kindness to get ahead.

You Are Fall Flowers

Beautiful yet often forgotten.


I've deleted your number. Deleted and re-added. Deleted and re-added. How silly I am. I start feeling like I'm a toy. A toy to play when you are bored. I don't get angry. Because I know you are not conscious about this. You are lucky that I have grown up. I don't know what to do but I sort of thinking to react passively. I think I've convinced myself not to do anything proactive. Afterall I need to protect myself. I am on my own.



So we met more frequent now. I enjoyed our dates very much. And I know you enjoyed too. I don't know where we're going. Don't think you have any idea too.


I'm trying.

Yes I'm trying hard. Please support me. I need encouragement.


李嘉欣提到自己試過 5年單身,但不覺得有老公是一生成就,她說:「好多女人都希望有人可以 complete your life,但其實冇人可以,除咗你自己。有啲嘢你逼自己去追求,反而會離你越嚟越遠,譬如話感情、男人,我當時就覺得我係豁出去,我可以畀自己想要嘅生活,點解我要崩潰?」